The Constant State of Vulnerability

Justine Evirs
2 min readApr 27, 2018

The definition of vulnerability, “is the state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.”

Once upon a time, being vulnerable meant standing up for yourself in the cafeteria against a bully in front of the whole school. Or better yet, it meant wearing a shirt you love but knowing it was so bold and obnoxious, that no one would ever buy it; let alone wear into the school the next day.

Fast forward to today, and the entire globe is at our fingertips. Social media and our online presence has taken control of the way we work, learn, live, and even love. Reputations have evolved into personal brands and our most private moments are becoming public.

Our entire lives have become vulnerable. We are in a constant state of being exposed or attacked emotionally. We instantly become defensive, second guess ourselves, or double down and refuse to learn from it. As the vicious cycle begins to grow, we become even more vulnerable and defensive. As a result we become the attacker, or we are silenced because of our human instinct to fight or flight.

Either way, the pressure begins to build and we never learn to be okay with the state of vulnerability. Let’s face it, being okay with vulnerability is a hard thing to do in a world where you could be competing for your next job with someone in another country. But the truth is, vulnerability is what makes us great friends, partners, employees, team members, husbands/wives, and even leaders.

It softens the edges around a tough conversation and actually allows us to connect as human beings. It shows humility, a willingness to learn, and your ability to empathize which are the ultimate characteristics our digital world is lacking.

Believe it or not, I’m sitting here in perfection paralysis scared to push the ‘publish’ button. I am feeling overwhelmed with vulnerability as you read this. I do care what people think and I do fear that I will be judged for my grammar, writing skills, and perspective on this topic. But I am tired of fighting and avoiding situations that make me uncomfortable… I think the ones who are brave enough to recognize their weaknesses and push themselves through the hardest and most uncomfortable stages of growth, are the ones who find true peace and happiness.

Once you have that, sky’s the limit for what you are truly capable of and the impact you will have on the world. Most people don’t fail… they either give up too soon or they are unwilling to make the sacrifices they need to get them to the next level.



Justine Evirs

A powerhouse innovator and visionary who is on a mission to inspire people to use the power of innovation to defy the odds.